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Kali Linux Commands...

Kali is an open source and linux operating system which aims at penetration testing and ethical hacking.
Am gonna share some commands in which i've come to  know and experience so as to help those who are new to kali linux.


apropos Search Help manual pages (man -k)
apt-get Search for and install software packages (Debian)
aptitude Search for and install software packages (Debian)
aspell Spell Checker
awk Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/index

basename Strip directory and suffix from filenames
bash GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bc Arbitrary precision calculator language
bg Send to background
break Exit from a loop
builtin Run a shell builtin
bzip2 Compress or decompress named file(s)

cal Display a calendar
case Conditionally perform a command
cat Concatenate and print (display) the content of files
cd Change Directory
cfdisk Partition table manipulator for Linux
chgrp Change group ownership
chmod Change access permissions
chown Change file owner and group
chroot Run a command with a different root directory
chkconfig System services (runlevel)
cksum Print CRC checksum and byte counts
clear Clear terminal screen
cmp Compare two files
comm Compare two sorted files line by line
command Run a command - ignoring shell functions
continue Resume the next iteration of a loop
cp Copy one or more files to another location
cron Daemon to execute scheduled commands
crontab Schedule a command to run at a later time
csplit Split a file into context-determined pieces
cut Divide a file into several parts

date Display or change the date & time
dc Desk Calculator
dd Convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot records
ddrescue Data recovery tool
declare Declare variables and give them attributes
df Display free disk space
diff Display the differences between two files
diff3 Show differences among three files
dig DNS lookup
dir Briefly list directory contents
dircolors Colour setup for `ls'
dirname Convert a full pathname to just a path
dirs Display list of remembered directories
dmesg Print kernel & driver messages
du Estimate file space usage

echo Display message on screen
egrep Search file(s) for lines that match an extended expression
eject Eject removable media
enable Enable and disable builtin shell commands
env Environment variables
ethtool Ethernet card settings
eval Evaluate several commands/arguments
exec Execute a command
exit Exit the shell
expect Automate arbitrary applications accessed over a terminal
expand Convert tabs to spaces
export Set an environment variable
expr Evaluate expressions

false Do nothing, unsuccessfully
fdformat Low-level format a floppy disk
fdisk Partition table manipulator for Linux
fg Send job to foreground
fgrep Search file(s) for lines that match a fixed string
file Determine file type
find Search for files that meet a desired criteria
fmt Reformat paragraph text
fold Wrap text to fit a specified width.
for Expand words, and execute commands
format Format disks or tapes
free Display memory usage
fsck File system consistency check and repair
ftp File Transfer Protocol
function Define Function Macros
fuser Identify/kill the process that is accessing a file

gawk Find and Replace text within file(s)
getopts Parse positional parameters
grep Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
groupadd Add a user security group
groupdel Delete a group
groupmod Modify a group
groups Print group names a user is in
gzip Compress or decompress named file(s)

hash Remember the full pathname of a name argument
head Output the first part of file(s)
help Display help for a built-in command
history Command History
hostname Print or set system name

iconv Convert the character set of a file
id Print user and group id's
if Conditionally perform a command
ifconfig Configure a network interface
ifdown Stop a network interface
ifup Start a network interface up
import Capture an X server screen and save the image to file
install Copy files and set attributes

jobs List active jobs
join Join lines on a common field

kill Stop a process from running
killall Kill processes by name

less Display output one screen at a time
let Perform arithmetic on shell variables
ln Create a symbolic link to a file
local Create variables
locate Find files
logname Print current login name
logout Exit a login shell
look Display lines beginning with a given string
lpc Line printer control program
lpr Off line print
lprint Print a file
lprintd Abort a print job
lprintq List the print queue
lprm Remove jobs from the print queue
ls List information about file(s)
lsof List open files

make Recompile a group of programs
man Help manual
mkdir Create new folder(s)
mkfifo Make FIFOs (named pipes)
mkisofs Create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem
mknod Make block or character special files
more Display output one screen at a time
mount Mount a file system
mtools Manipulate MS-DOS files
mtr Network diagnostics (traceroute/ping)
mv Move or rename files or directories
mmv Mass Move and rename (files)

netstat Networking information
nice Set the priority of a command or job
nl Number lines and write files
nohup Run a command immune to hangups
notify-send Send desktop notifications
nslookup Query Internet name servers interactively

open Open a file in its default application
op Operator access

passwd Modify a user password
paste Merge lines of files
pathchk Check file name portability
ping Test a network connection
pkill Stop processes from running
popd Restore the previous value of the current directory
pr Prepare files for printing
printcap Printer capability database
printenv Print environment variables
printf Format and print data
ps Process status
pushd Save and then change the current directory
pwd Print Working Directory

quota Display disk usage and limits
quotacheck Scan a file system for disk usage
quotactl Set disk quotas

ram ram disk device
rcp Copy files between two machines
read Read a line from standard input
readarray Read from stdin into an array variable
readonly Mark variables/functions as readonly
reboot Reboot the system
rename Rename files
renice Alter priority of running processes
remsync Synchronize remote files via email
return Exit a shell function
rev Reverse lines of a file
rm Remove files
rmdir Remove folder(s)
rsync Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)

screen Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh
scp Secure copy (remote file copy)
sdiff Merge two files interactively
sed Stream Editor
select Accept keyboard input
seq Print numeric sequences
set Manipulate shell variables and functions
sftp Secure File Transfer Program
shift Shift positional parameters
shopt Shell Options
shutdown Shutdown or restart linux
sleep Delay for a specified time
slocate Find files
sort Sort text files
source Run commands from a file `.'
split Split a file into fixed-size pieces
ssh Secure Shell client (remote login program)
strace Trace system calls and signals
su Substitute user identity
sudo Execute a command as another user
sum Print a checksum for a file
suspend Suspend execution of this shell
symlink Make a new name for a file
sync Synchronize data on disk with memory

tail Output the last part of file
tar Tape ARchiver
tee Redirect output to multiple files
test Evaluate a conditional expression
time Measure Program running time
times User and system times
touch Change file timestamps
top List processes running on the system
traceroute Trace Route to Host
trap Run a command when a signal is set(bourne)
tr Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
true Do nothing, successfully
tsort Topological sort
tty Print filename of terminal on stdin
type Describe a command

ulimit Limit user resources
umask Users file creation mask
umount Unmount a device
unalias Remove an alias
uname Print system information
unexpand Convert spaces to tabs
uniq Uniquify files
units Convert units from one scale to another
unset Remove variable or function names
unshar Unpack shell archive scripts
until Execute commands (until error)
uptime Show uptime
useradd Create new user account
userdel Delete a user account
usermod Modify user account
users List users currently logged in
uuencode Encode a binary file
uudecode Decode a file created by uuencode

v Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')
vdir Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')
vi Text Editor
vmstat Report virtual memory statistics

wait Wait for a process to complete
watch Execute/display a program periodically
wc Print byte, word, and line counts
whereis Search the user's $path, man pages and source files for a program
which Search the user's $path for a program file
while Execute commands
who Print all usernames currently logged in
whoami Print the current user id and name (`id -un')
wget Retrieve web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
write Send a message to another user

xargs Execute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)
xdg-open Open a file or URL in the user's preferred application.
yes Print a string until interrupted

Hope you find it useful ...

Build.prop Tweaks

As android developer we really likes tweaking and modifying our android devices in a way that would be even more beneficial to us like improving our smartphones performance and so on... 
so today am sharing some tweak's with you guys...
Thread from XDA developers...

Best Build Prop Tweaks Codes
Below are the Build Prop Tweaks which will help you out to install best function on your devices such as fasten your booting speed increase your internet speed and much more.

Here they are;

1. Better RAM management
2. Improves audio and video recording quality
3. Faster streaming videos
4. Video acceleration and HW debugging. debug.composition.type can also be changed to cpu or mdp.
debug.egl.profiler=1 # Measure rendering time in adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo
debug.composition.type=gpu # Disable hardware overlays and use GPU for screen compositing
5. Disables built in error reporting.
6. Better net speeds.
net.tcp.buffersize.default=4096,87380,256960, 4096, 16384,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.wifi=4096,87380,256960,409 6,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.umts=4096,8 7380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.gprs=4096,8 7380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.edge=4096,8 7380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
7. Saves power. 
ro.mot.eri.losalert.delay=1000 (could brake tethering.)
8. 3G tweaks.
9. Disables logcat
10. Screen recognizes only two fingers.
11. Support for ipv4 and ipv6.
12. Phone rings immediately.
13. Disables blackscreen issue after a call.
14. Better scrolling.
ro.min_pointer_dur=8 ro.max.fling_velocity=12000
15. Better signal.
16. Better call voice quality.
17. Better signal.
18. Faster boot.
19. Disables error checking.
20. Dalvik Virtual Machine tweaks.
21. Disables locating. 
Also delete /system/app/networklocation.apk and /system/
22. Disables sending of usage data.
23. Better image quality, lower performance.
24. Disable notification while adb is active
25. Change LCD density
Note: Replace "xxx" with numeric value.

26. MMS APN retry timer set to 2 sec( if SMS/MMS couldn`t be sent, it retries after 2 instead of 5 seconds).
ro.gsm.2nd_data_retry_config=max/_retries=3, 2000, 2000, 2000
27. Key lights stay on while screen is on.
28. Disable strict mode checking.
29. Remove FPS cap. May be unstable – better have it activated
30. build.prop tweaks for battery life
31. build.prop tweaks for improved performance


Hope you find it useful.
comment if you like...


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SCR Screen Recorder Pro v1.0.5 [Root] [Latest]

SCR Screen Recorder is an application that let's you record your screens activity. It let's you cast your activity easily and works smooth.
With SCR Screen Recorder you can easily cast your screen and share with friends and others.
It has quite some amazing and cool features like, casting your screen altogether with voice and has got a face cam.

so here i share with you SCR Screen Recorder Pro (paid) v1.0.5 which is the latest version
It's a very cool screen recorder i've ever tried
But in case it needs a root access or jail break to work.

 Download from here...


SnapTube Free Video And Music Downloader (VIP)

SnapTube-YouTube Downloader is a simple tool to download any video from YouTube in a simple, fast, and convenient way so you can play it later without an Internet connection.

This app has several search options, including a catalog with 11 subcategories, a section for popular videos, a section for videos with the most views, plus another with daily recommendations.
Browsing is as simple as clicking any category or video or typing the name of the artist or song in the search bar. Once you find what you're looking for, you can play the video or download it directly to your device.
You can choose the quality of the download to save space on your phone's memory. You can also choose to download only the audio, which is useful when you just want to save a song or an album. Recent updates also allow the download of Facebook and Instagram videos.
In addition to downloading audio and video, you can use SnapTube-YouTube Downloader to manage your channel just like on the YouTube app, meaning you can use this app instead of the official one while downloading videos, to boot.

Download SnapTube  VIP From The Link Down Below


Resetting and Recovering Forgotten Windows Password.

Coming to the aid of a fellow forum member, TSers recently shared around a dozen ways to handle a lost Windows password. We were so impressed with the list that we've decided to editorialize some of it for easier access.
We've included five of what seem like the most approachable ways for resetting or recovering your Windows password along with abridged instructions on how to execute them and some alternatives toward the end.
Before moving on, if you log into Windows with an online Microsoft account (offered as the default during setup since Windows 8), you can likely just reset it online at Microsoft's site using another device with Internet.
#1 Use a command prompt to change your password from the Windows login screen
How it works: Swaps the Utility Manager on your Windows login screen for a command prompt, from which you can change the forgotten password.
What it works on: Your offline Windows account. Doesn't require extra software though an installation disc might be handy for the first step. Windows XP users can skip past step 3.
To put a command prompt on your login screen you'll need to use a separate command prompt from your Windows installation disc, a recovery drive/partition or by accessing the 'Advanced Startup Options' some other way. After testing, nothing has been as reliable or easy as simply booting off a Windows disc/USB drive, which you can set up without having a license:
Download Windows 10 - Setup instructions - Quick navigation: After booting off the installation media and reaching the first prompt for your language, region etc. you can simply hit Shift + F10 to make a command prompt appear.

Step 1: Swapping the Utility Manager for a command prompt
Assuming you've made it to a command prompt, enter the two lines below to create a backup of the Utility Manager and then overwrite it with cmd.exe.
Note that "?" should be your Windows drive letter. To list all your drives launch DiskPart by typing diskpart and then enter list volume.
move ?:\windows\system32\utilman.exe ?:\windows\system32\utilman.exe.bak
copy ?:\windows\system32\cmd.exe ?:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

Reboot. Now when you click the Utility Manager on your login screen, it should launch cmd.exe.
Step 2: Changing your password
At the command prompt on your login screen, enter the following line to set a new password on your account (USERNAME is your account name and PASSWORD is the password you'd like to apply):
Example: net user George bestpassw0rd -- also, typing net user alone will list the accounts if you can't remember your username either.

Bonus: From the command prompt on your login screen, enter control userpasswords2 for a GUI-based account manager.

Step 3: #&@!... That didn't work!
You still have options. In the command prompt, enter the text below to enable the default administrator account (requires a reboot):
net user administrator /active:yes -- /active:no when you're done with the account later

After rebooting you should see the Administrator account listed and it shouldn't need a password to log in. Retry step 2 from a command prompt within this elevated account.

These steps are less involved on Windows XP:
Boot into Safe Mode with Command Prompt (reboot your PC and tap F8 as it's starting up but before Windows loads to see the option)
Tap control + alt + delete twice at the login screen for the option to type in a username and enter Administrator which should provide access to a command prompt where you can view Windows accounts by typing net user and apply a new password via net user USERNAME PASSWORD (example: net user Bill bestpassw0rd)
Reboot and try the new password

#2 Official Microsoft DaRT disk
How it works: Offers TechNet subscribers a "Locksmith" tool using the familiar Windows GUI to set a new password on the account(s) of your choosing.
What it works on: The DaRT version number typically matches the copy of Windows it works on (DaRT 10 is for Windows 10 etc.).
Based on the Windows Preinstallation Environment, DaRT (Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset) is an official Microsoft utility suite that includes a registry editor, file explorer, crash analyzer as well as tools to restore files, repair disks, scan for viruses and more. Among them is a straightforward utility that should have a new password applied to your Windows account after a few clicks and may be less spooky than software such as Ophcrack.

Professionals with access to volume licensing for Microsoft products can also download the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack, which is another boot disk that contains a copy of DaRT.
Download Microsoft DaRT - Setup instructions - Quick navigation: Open "Locksmith" and follow the prompts.
#3 Offline NT Password & Registry Editor (Chntpw)
How it works: Gives you a bootable environment outside of Windows to edit the password in your SAM file.
What it works on: The local account of any NT-based Windows operating system, which includes Windows 2000 through Windows 10 (excluding fully encrypted NTFS partitions).
This might be the most used password recovery tool considering it's included with popular boot disks and Linux distros such as Hiren's Boot CD, Kali Linux and Trinity Rescue, which calls its password tool "winpass" but it's actually just a script that launches NTpasswd/Chntpw.

Assuming you have one of those solutions around, that might be the quickest path to accessing Windows again. If you're familiar with one of them but don't have it handy, here are the download links and quick setup instructions for each one mentioned:
Download Hiren's Boot CD - Setup instruction - Quick navigation: Launch Offline NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer from the main menu > choose your Windows installation > Edit user data and passwords
Download Kali Linux - Setup instructions - Quick navigation: Mount your Windows drive > go to MS SAM (cd /media/win/Windows/System32/config/) > enter chntpw -u [username] SAM > choose clear or edit password
Download Trinity Rescue - Setup instructions - Quick navigation: Press enter to run Trinity > Windows password resetting > Interactive winpass > choose your Windows installation > Edit user data and passwords
If you'd rather go straight to the source, you can also download and boot from only the password recovery tool itself:
Download Offline NT Password & Registry Editor (Chntpw) - Setup instructions - Quick navigation: Press enter to boot when prompted > choose your Windows installation > 'Password reset (SAM)' > Edit user data and passwords > Enter the desired user's RID > Clear (blank) user password
#4 Ophcrack LiveCD
How it works: Provides a bootable environment that uses LM hashes through rainbow tables to brute force your Windows password, which is provided once discovered.
What it works on: Windows (both local and Microsoft accounts), Linux and Mac OS X
Perhaps the second most notable password recovery tool and maybe the most memorable by name, Ophcrack will also require you to download an ISO and put it on a bootable disk or drive, though it uses different technology than Offline NT/Chntpw so it could make for a fantastic backup solution and may even be worth trying first.

Although it's commonly flagged by antiviruses as being a potential threat, Ophcrack isn't loaded with malware. The subject is addressed on the software's FAQ section, which notes that the installer includes a tool called "pwdump6" by Fizzgig that often turns up as a false positive, typically because of the files "samdump.dll" and "pwservice.exe" -- again though, neither pose a known security risk.

Download Ophcrack LiveCD - Setup instructions - Usage guide/tips - Quick navigation: Enter Ophcrack Graphic mode - automatic > Double click Launcher on the LiveCD desktop > Search for tables and start Ophcrack

#5 iSeePassword
How it works: Provides a boot disk with a clean GUI that shows detected Windows users and their passwords along with the ability to reset them.
What it works on: Windows XP through 10 including Server editions etc. with separate tools for passwords on MS Office, iTunes, PDFs and RARs.
In the event that you'd like to pay for your mistake, iSeePassword charges ~$30 for a "Password Recovery Bundle" that covers more than just Windows and although you'll still have to make a bootable disc/drive to load the software, it will display everything you need in the first window that appears so there isn't any navigation once you're in -- perhaps the only perk of going paid.
Buy iSeePassword - Setup instructions - Quick navigation: None! Is that quick enough?

Additional tips and honorable mentions
While easier said than done if your password is already lost, the best way to avoid this situation is not losing it in the first place, either by writing it somewhere safe or keeping a digital backup on your phone, on the cloud, or in dedicated software such as Keepass.
Microsoft's method for resetting an offline Windows password is about as useful as not losing it at all because you have to create the password reset disk in Windows before locking yourself out and that tool only works on the account/PC used to create it.
If the forgotten password was recently applied and you don't mind using Windows Restore, you can wind back to a point before changing it: Tap F8 during bootup before Windows loads to reach advanced boot options > repair your computer > system restore.
Few if any of these methods will help with a lost pin code or picture password, and although the open source utility 'Mimikatz' can extract plaintext passwords, PIN codes and kerberos tickets from memory, it doesn't seem as straightforward to use as the tools above.
Hopefully if you're still reading this you've figured out how to get back into your Windows account, but if none of the above worked for you then you can still try other ways ... article shared

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Intoroduction To Kali Linux

Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. Kali contains several hundred tools which are geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering. Kali Linux is developed, funded and maintained by Offensive Security, a leading information security training company.
Kali Linux was released on the 13th March, 2013 as a complete, top-to-bottom rebuild of BackTrack Linux, adhering completely to Debian development standards.
  • More than 600 penetration testing tools included: After reviewing every tool that was included in BackTrack, we eliminated a great number of tools that either simply did not work or which duplicated other tools that provided the same or similar functionality. Details on what’s included are on the Kali Tools site.
  • Free (as in beer) and always will be: Kali Linux, like BackTrack, is completely free of charge and always will be. You will never, ever have to pay for Kali Linux.
  • Open source Git tree: We are committed to the open source development model and our development tree is available for all to see. All of the source code which goes into Kali Linux is available for anyone who wants to tweak or rebuild packages to suit their specific needs.
  • FHS compliant: Kali adheres to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, allowing Linux users to easily locate binaries, support files, libraries, etc.
  • Wide-ranging wireless device support: A regular sticking point with Linux distributions has been supported for wireless interfaces. We have built Kali Linux to support as many wireless devices as we possibly can, allowing it to run properly on a wide variety of hardware and making it compatible with numerous USB and other wireless devices.
  • Custom kernel, patched for injection: As penetration testers, the development team often needs to do wireless assessments, so our kernel has the latest injection patches included.
  • Developed in a secure environment: The Kali Linux team is made up of a small group of individuals who are the only ones trusted to commit packages and interact with the repositories, all of which is done using multiple secure protocols.
  • GPG signed packages and repositories: Every package in Kali Linux is signed by each individual developer who built and committed it, and the repositories subsequently sign the packages as well.
  • Multi-language support: Although penetration tools tend to be written in English, we have ensured that Kali includes true multilingual support, allowing more users to operate in their native language and locate the tools they need for the job.
  • Completely customizable: We thoroughly understand that not everyone will agree with our design decisions, so we have made it as easy as possible for our more adventurous users to customize Kali Linux to their liking, all the way down to the kernel.
  • ARMEL and ARMHF support: Since ARM-based single-board systems like the Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black, among others, are becoming more and more prevalent and inexpensive, we knew that Kali’s ARM support would need to be as robust as we could manage, with fully working installations for both ARMEL and ARMHF systems. Kali Linux is available on a wide range of ARM devices and has ARM repositories integrated with the mainline distribution so tools for ARM are updated in conjunction with the rest of the distribution.
  • Kali Linux is specifically tailored to the needs of penetration testing professionals, and therefore all documentation on this site assumes prior knowledge of, and familiarity with, the Linux operating system in general. Please see Should I Use Kali Linux? for more details on what makes Kali unique.

Learn More From


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Updated 03 June 2017

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Pics Art Photo Studio

 PicsArt Photo Studio 
This is an image editing and sharing platform 
It has become a social movement of creatives, passionate to beautify the world. Featuring a unique combination of photo editing tools and gallery, PicsArt inspires anyone to create and collaborate anytime and anywhere.
It contains tools that unleash your inner artist through a powerful all-in-one camera, photo editor, collage maker, and drawing studio. By using these powerful image editors, our community has contributed billions of pictures to date, inspiring tens of millions to join in on the fun.
It is simply an easy-to-use photo editor that provides a wide array of photo manipulation instruments such as a clone tool, crop tool, photo blending and enhancement tool, photo filters, live camera, and hundreds of customizable brush filters, masks, shape masks, text tool, and more.

Instant sharing on PicsArt Photo Studio, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dropbox, or via email.
A collage maker to create photo collages in grids, collage frames, free-form, or with photos in the background. It is easy to make collages and share in FB and Instagram.
A drawing suite, including artistic brushes and layers
Contests on photography, photo editing, drawing, and graphic design
A photo camera, with multiple live filters.
A large gallery of public images for co-editing

What's new;

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Photo Grid Collage Maker Premium v6.18 Full Version APK [Latest]

 Photo Grid is the most popular photo collage maker. With Photo Grid, you can combine ordinary photos into worth-share photo collages; you can decorate your pics by applying fantastic filter, adding stickers and text; you can enjoy with your friends and families by sharing works to popular photo social networks.

Photo Grid Collage Maker Premium features;

  • Grid – Quickly combine multiple photos with classical and funny layouts into a beautiful picture.
  • Photo Editor – Stylize your shots with perfectly categorized filter effects.
  • Scrapbook – Pin moments to a customized board. Scrapbook allow you add photos, texts, stickers to a customized background.
  • Video Slides – Turn your photos into stunning video stories. Video Slides allow you create beautiful video stories by using photos, adding music, text and stickers you love!
  • Template – Decorate your images with funny and cool magazine layouts and templates to be the popular guy on the magazine cover.
  • FilmStrip – Tell a story via a long picture, combining multiple photos via text and stickers!

What's new;

  • Improved camera speed; capture your moment more quickly.
  • Self-timer feature added; prepare for your shoot elegantly.
  • Take photos with just one tap on the screen, it’s that simple!
  • New filters Pink and Bliss; naturally stunning lip color in one step.
  • *Congrats 2017 GRADS! Looking for 2017 Prom dress? We have the most popular and exclusive Prom series stickers and filters to match your Prom dress! Whether junior prom or senior prom, you all can be Prom Prince & Prom princess!

Free Download Photo Grid Collage Maker Premium v6.18 Full Version Apk



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